Online Exhibit
Scroll to discover the story of the Wisconsin-made Evergleam aluminum tree.
Learn More About Ever Gleaming
Celebrating America’s Aluminum Christmas Tree
Aluminum Christmas trees became a popular holiday fixture in the 1960s, and the Aluminum Specialty Company of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, helped launch the national craze. Their tree, the Evergleam, was the most popular tree available, and several million of them found their way into American homes.
Explore this online exhibit to see original trees, images, and artifacts from the 1960s, and to learn how this Wisconsin innovation took the country by storm.


A Brief History of the Evergleam
After introducing the Evergleam at the American Toy Fair in March of 1959, the Aluminum Specialty Company manufactured hundreds of thousands of trees in time for the upcoming holiday season. The effort paid off as business boomed. Eventually, the company produced trees in a variety of styles and colors, as well as accessories including revolving stands and color wheels, throughout the 1960s.
Key Dates in Evergleam History

Learn More about the History of Evergleam
Evergleam Christmas Tree
Following the success of the Evergleam Christmas tree, the Aluminum Specialty Company of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, continuously introduced new types of trees and developed a number of accessories. Explore the various products in this gallery.

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