Project Vision
The Wisconsin Historical Society is among the nation’s oldest, largest and most active state historical societies and we steward one of the most significant collections in North America. We are carrying that legacy into the future with an unforgettable history center that is worthy of, and will provide unprecedented access to, our state’s world-class historical collections.
Why now?
The former museum exhibitions were housed in what was previously a hardware store, greatly limiting the ability to properly share and display our state’s stories. The idea of a new history museum has existed for over two decades, with bipartisan support and planning by Govs. Tommy Thompson, Jim Doyle, Scott Walker and Tony Evers.

Isn’t it nice to have some bipartisanship in the state of Wisconsin? The nice thing about (the project) is that I started it, but Gov. Doyle carried it through. Now we’re on the precipice of this fantastic opportunity. Across from our beautiful state Capitol is going to be this glorious building that people from all over will come visit. We will become a destination center for history.
Republican governor (1987-2001)
co-chair of the Campaign for a New Wisconsin History Center
This is really a personal mission for me. I grew up no more than 10 blocks from the Wisconsin Historical Society. This is a state that loves its history, loves its communities, and loves its people. History is part of who we are. We are at a moment of doing something spectacular to preserve and present the historical record of Wisconsin. This is our moment. On, Wisconsin!
Democratic governor (2003-2011)
co-chair of the Campaign for a New Wisconsin History Center
Designing the Vision
Now, the vision is becoming a reality. We have assembled an industry-leading design team that is hard at work creating an inspiring and dynamic history center for Wisconsin residents across all 72 counties and beyond.